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Let's do this

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

It's just in me. I love adventure - I love the water - I love nature, and I need to be immersed in it. My first river trip took me and my 12 foot canoe from Wisconsin to New Orleans via the Mighty Mississippi.

Canoeing the Mississippi

I needed something new, something challenging, something inspiring, and I found it all on the river.

In 2009, I decided to paddle the Mississippi river from Wisconsin to New Orleans. The experience was supposed to scratch an itch. Instead, it fostered an urge for more.

On my maiden voyage, I experienced more than I had imagined. The history of the river and this country, the generosity of mankind, the beauty and fury of nature, and respect for both natural and man made beasts.

Paddling the Missouri

Doing what hasn't been done

I attempted the Missouri on a stand up paddle board in 2017. This amazing feat was accomplished in 2013 by Scott Mestrezat. His experience was inspiring and informative. But I wanted to go further. I decided to complete the Missouri and continue down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. A distance on a SUP that has not yet been attempted. Unfortunately, I fell ill and had to stop for a period of time. During that break my son, Ocean, at the age of 15, decided he wanted to live with me. Family first. I cancelled the trip altogether for my son. But the urge didn't diminish. I wanted to complete the trip at some point.

Small Boats on Big Oceans


Singer songwriter Jack Mosley, a friend of my mom's, has a signature song called Small Boats on Big Oceans. Yes, we are on a river, not the ocean, but the song is fitting. A line in the song says "Their friends and their family have called them insane, but it's hard to ignore gypsy blood in your veins". Fact. We've heard it. We are nuts to be doing this, but we are natural adventurers, and we are so very ready for this expedition!

Me and my boy

"Dad, let's do this"

Ocean has not spent as much time in the wilderness as I, but he has camped, backpacked, canoed, snorkeled, hiked, climbed, etc. He enjoys the outdoors, but is part of the generation of screens. Before he graduated high school this June, he decided he wanted to disconnect and join me on this expedition. I was elated! So me and my boy spent months preparing him for this exciting, but grueling feat. Let's do this!

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